Together-ness Tools: social closeness with social distance
A series of ideas for being close whilst socially distant, part of Social Practice Surgery.
Ideas and resources created by Lady Kitt and Dan Russell (often in collaboration with others). Also links to ideas and resources by other people, that we have found really useful in doing social art with social distance. This is a work in progress we are adding stuff and editing regularly.
Stuff by us (in collaboration with others):
Number 1. Collaborative Counting Game video and script with video description
An instructional Gacha video co-created by Finn Ratford (aged 9), Ada Ratford (aged 6) and Lady Kitt (aged OLD)
Voice over artists: Sarah Li (aged 26) and Edwin Li (Eleventy Oneteen)
Commissioned by NewBridge Projects for Collective Studio 2020-21
To download the script and description of the video click: HERE
Tips for online facilitation planning and delivery by Dan Russell
To download a text version of some of these please click: HERE
To add to a collaborative, every growing doc of tips for online facilitation planning and delivery click :HERE
We hope to create some audio versions soon.
Art Confined book (pages 48-51) Tools and ideas for making off and online projects happen with social distance
To download a text only version of the Art Confined book with image descriptions click: HERE
To download a PDF version of the Art Confined book as it appears in print, click: HERE
For more info about the Art Confined Project click: HERE and HERE
Number 4. “Enter, pursued by a bear”,
A brief exercise (and musical accompaniment) for addressing / sharing/ thinking about Zoom Fear
Exercise developed by Lady Kitt for "Taking Artist Development Online" at Chisenhale Studios, London (UK), Nov 2020
Musical Accompaniment specially composed by Sarah and Edwin Li
To download short PowerPoint intro to the exercise please click HERE
To download Musical Accompaniment by Sarah and Edwin Li, please click HERE
To download PDF of ideas, exercises and resources by all facilitators at "Taking Artist Development Online" click HERE
Stuff by other people that we've found really useful:
Number 1. Notes on online residencies
By Alister and Kat, directors of
Published by Theatre in the Mill.
To access the doc click HERE
Number 2. Den of Web by Youngsook Choi
Simple exercise for creating intimacy and
playfulness in video conferencing space.
For downloadable word doc with image and
image descriptions click: HERE