Social Art in Collections Toolkit
Resources created as part of ACE funded project
Framing Social Art in Collections
Created by Lady Kitt, in collaboration with artists Sarah Li, Sofia Barton and Dan Russell
Supported by Arts & Heritage, Durham University Art Collection and Warwickshire County Records Office
A digital toolkit aimed at curators, archivists, acquisition teams and social artists, considering how socially engaged / collaboratively made / participatory work might be acquired by, cared for and contextualised in collections.
The toolkit is currently a draft made up of around 30 files (including text documents, maps, interactive white boards, images, spread sheets and videos) thematically arranged across five folders, all saved in Goole docs. There is also a visual navigation page hosted on Miro. Below are direct links to the google doc folder and Miro navigation page.
Over the next few months these separate files will be collated into two key documents (one aimed at curators / acquisition teams and one aimed at social artists) with an accompanying folder of easy read introductions, a video introduction, templates, databases and maps.
1: Link to Google doc file containing toolkit resources as separate documents, organised into themed files:
2:Link to a visual navigation page which is hosted by platform Miro :