Book King Kitt
Book King Kitt for your event- Kitt is available to perform / run series or one off workshop / talks/ performance lectures with venues or groups. Kitt charges a-n and Artist Union England recommended rates, plus travel and materials.
For enquiries / bookings please use contact form HERE
Current performances suitable for club / cabaret setting:
* Dry Your Eyes Mate: (3 mins) ode of solidarity to jilted men everywhere
* Too (many) Ladies: (3 or 5 mins) Two Ladies (from the film Cabaret) reworked with blow up dolls and a feminist twist
* Woke, Hipster, Fashion Icon (3 mins): Join super hero Flash on a confusing journey through gender politics via musician and queer actor Ezra Miller
* Beast-ed (5mins): Once upon a time there was Disney- the multi billion pound corporation has been blamed for a lot over the years, but drug fuelled group sex and real life chimera transformations... really?
Current performances suitable for festival / walk about setting:
* Toxic Masculinity Make-Overs